The Studium Generale refers to all non-mandatory, public courses at a university. It is an interdisciplinary study path open to all who wish to broaden their general knowledge in various subjects and areas of expertise. At the Free University of Bozen the Studium Generale offers events and lecture series in various fields of knowledge, including culture, social sciences and law, technology and business, as well as topics related to parent-child relationships, languages, sustainability, and communication (see Studium Generale unibz).

Students at unibz who wish to expand their general knowledge can complement their study plans with courses from the Studium Generale.

Studium Generale 2024 summer semster

Die Konstruktion des Tourismus im alpinen Raum. Architekturen, Landschaften und Praktiken in Transformation / La costruzione del turismo alpino. Architetture, paesaggi e pratiche in trasformazione

Studium Generale 2022 summer semester

Das Heute ist das Gestern von Morgen. Gespräche und Exkursionen zum Kulturellen Erbe an der Schnittstelle der Zeit / Oggi è lo ieri di domani. Conversazioni e visite sul patrimonio culturale al crocevia del tempo