Die Gärten der Fürstbischhöflichen Hofburg in Brixen und der Stiftgarten von Neustift - Guided excursion in German
Waltraud Kofler Engl
Registration required [email protected]
Like buildings, gardens and landscaped open spaces have different functions, designs and uses. The importance of the former prince-bishop's palace in Brixen as a representative seat of power is revealed in the interplay between the north-facing ornamental and kitchen garden and the south-facing orchard (pomarium). Both date back to the Middle Ages, were redesigned in the Renaissance and have been carried forward in this form to the present day. The garden architecture has changed according to the style of the time. The baroque garden of the Neustift monastery combines useful and ornamental plantings as well as garden architecture, which provide information about the culture of representation and the monastery's supply of vegetables, fruit and herbs. The garden tours combine historical and art-historical information with the history of garden culture and present the current uses of the gardens.
For more information see Studium Generale 2025.